The reasons why pretrib rapture believers and posttribbers cannot get along

1) Peter tells us that those who twist Paul’s teaching on this subject… do so with all of Scripture, and then he calls them “wicked” and tells us not to fall from our own steadfastness…. 2 Peter 3:15-17. This passage is extreme… but there. Scripture calls one camp “wicked”… naturally… that cannot be the camp in which you reside… but the one the opposition resides… Right?. Why do you think Scripture pinpoints’ Paul’s teaching and not Peter’s, John’s or Jesus as the point of deviation?

2) Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice and the voice of another they will not follow…” John 10. He directly states that He comes “after the tribulation”… Matt 24:29-31. No Scripture even remotely offers a rapture prior to tribulation…. so the question remains… “which voice told you that He comes prior?” We must believe Jesus to be saved… He said one thing… why is it so easy to believe another?

3) John tells us that there are many anti-C’s and that they come from within the church… 1 John 2:18,19 He made that claim in his day, and let us know that they were a sign of the end… therefore, if it was an issue in his day…. how much more so now? To teach the opposite of Christ is to be anti-C. (interesting how the platform won’t let me type the entire without erasing the comment). If Jesus directly taught that He comes after the tribulation, shouldn’t there actually be Scripture that states the opposite… a rapture prior to tribulation before it is taught? To teach the opposite of Christ is to be anti-…. What fellowship has Christ with the anti-? What fellowship has the Christian with the antichristian?

4) The pretribber teaches that this issue is not a salvation issue…. therefore the gravity of the subject is easily positioned into a secondary issue or non-issue. After all… everyone who doesn’t get raptured gets a second chance… right? Both the wise and the foolish virgins are watching for His coming… both slept while they wait… in the end the foolish are told “I know you not” and the door is SHUT to them. Jesus made not getting your eschatology correct a matter of salvation. What was their sin? They didn’t prep. Why didn’t they bring a vessel of oil in which to refuel their lamps? They thought His coming was imminent… He just finished telling them in the previous chapter that He comes after the tribulation… Matt 24:29-Matt 25:12.

John makes the subject a matter of salvation … Rev 22:18,19, Those who subtract from the book will have their names subtracted from the book of life…. wow… that’s serious. Yet adding a rapture to the book and subtracting the term “FIRST” from Rev 20″4-6 is a result of no fear of the Lord in this matter
5)As pointed out with the 1st point Peter tells us that they not only twist the message of the end times, but that of all of Scripture. This passage is so extreme…. The rapture teaching comes from the doctrine of dispensationalism. Although many who believe in a rapture have no idea of it’s foundations in dispensationalism they usually understand some basic principles of the rapture concept… such as the claim that Matt 24 was written to the Jews only. With this dispensationalist teaching the DIVISION of “second coming” and “rapture” is made… claiming that Paul reveals a brand new event of a rapture… siting 1 Cor 15;51,52… but ignoring the fact that Paul directly called the event “the resurrection of the dead’… 9 verses earlier. Destroying the idea of an event yet to be revealed, because it is throughout the Word… Job 14:12, John 11, Rev 20:4-6, etc. The claim that Matthew 24 is written to the Jews only is destroyed with the fact that the Olivet Discourse… Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 ends with Mark recording Jesus saying, “What I say to you, I say to all….” Thus the claim that Jesus was speaking to the Jews only… AGAIN teaches the opposite of Christ.

Dispensationalism at it’s core is the rejection of Christ… for we are told by the dispensationalist that we no longer live in the ‘dispensation”(message) of Christ, but that of Paul. Therefore for the dispensationalist, Jesus is no longer the way, the truth and the life, but we can come how manage to make it to the Father through this mere man. The fundamental foundation of a cult is the replacement of God with mere man…. Either Paul or Mary… the religion separates itself from Christ to follow another.

The list could go on and on…. the mixture loves mixture… the righteous loves righteousness. What fellowship has darkness with light?